We absolutely love what this tool can do for individuals, teams, organisations, and even families. It gives us insights into how people behave in a range of situations and helps us understand why we get on with some people and clash with others. I've found it incredibly powerful to predict behaviour, improve relationships, and get the right people into the right roles. It also helps us to show up as our best selves in every situation.
If you'd like a sample report or to talk about how it can benefit you and your business, please get in touch
- Linda and Nicole
“I’ve never had a teenage rebellion; I’m not that type of person. I always work out my problems in a conscientious way.” - Kirsten Dunst
"People accuse me of being arrogant all the time. I'm not arrogant, I'm focused." - Russell Crowe
"Success isn't about how much money you make, it's about the difference you make in people's lives." - Michelle Obama
"You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it."
- Robin Williams
Develop an understanding of why some aspects of Leadership/Management come easily to you while others are challenging. Knowing how your Leadership/Management style impacts your team members will enable you to develop more effective working relationships.
Develop the ability to identify the natural behavioural styles of your team members. This will help you build a balanced team and produce outcomes that meet targets, satisfy customers, and meet your management’s objectives.
A super sensational tool for growing and developing individuals and teams. Great for:
We all face situations daily when our typical approach – or style- that often works well, does not achieve the results we are aiming for. Our approach makes perfect sense to us, but others do not appear to “get it”. We may try different approaches, but the process is hit or miss. It is frustrating and unproductive. What causes all these problems?
The reality is that as human beings we are all different. We have our own ways of doing things and behaving in different situations. These differences often cause challenges in our professional and personal lives. The important thing is that we need to understand how we are different and how we can more effectively interact with different styles and, therefore, ultimately improve our performance.
Many of the world’s most successful people and organisations use Extended DISC®.
Extended DISC® Assessments help people in that long and fascinating journey to your inner self. We all have the ability to improve ourselves by understanding ourselves more effectively and by identifying the strengths and weaknesses in our behaviour.
Extended DISC® is one of the top five tools in the field today, and has spread to over 80 countries, with millions of people using it in 70 different languages.
Extended DISC® is a behaviour profiling assessment tool designed to help individuals, teams and organisations to become more successful. It provides easy to use information on how to modify human behaviour and supports individuals and businesses to improve relationships, communication and key aspects of business such as Leadership and Management. Extended DISC® assessments are based on concepts of human behaviour from well-renowned psychologists and behavioural theorists. Today Extended DISC® assessments are part of the daily management system of thousands of organisations all around the world, with over one million assessments completed annually.
History: Carl Jung (1875 – 1961)The Extended DISC® Assessment Suite is based on a psychological theory developed in the 1920s.Carl G. Jung, a well renowned Swiss psychiatrist, created the foundations of the theory in his book, The Psychological Types. His ideas were based on a two behavioural axis chart: Sensation/Intuition; Thinking/Feeling. This formed the foundation of the four-quadrant model.
The work of Jung was further developed by William Moulton Marston, an American Psychologist. He was also the inventor of the Wonder Woman Comics and the Lie Detector! Marston viewed people behaving along two axes; one indicating whether an individual is more passive or active; and the other on the individual’s perception of the environment as being more favourable or antagonistic. By placing the axes at the right angles, four quadrants are formed with each describing a behavioural pattern:
Wonder Woman has all 4 DISC styles.